Okumura Corporation

Personal Information Protection Policy

Okumura Corporation (the Corporation) realizes the importance of personal information protection and makes efforts to implement the following policies.

Management of Personal Information
1. The Corporation designates a management chief in the department in charge of information concerning individuals (personal information) and properly manages personal information.
Acquisition of Personal Information
2. The Corporation acquires personal information by appropriate and fair means.
Personal Information Use
3. The Corporation uses personal information when and only when it is necessary to execute business within the purpose of use stated in its acquisition and will receive approval before using personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use.
Purpose of Use
Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
4. The Corporation will not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the relevant individual, unless otherwise provided by the law.
Security Management of Personal Information
5. The Corporation maintains the accuracy and recency of personal information and takes appropriate security measures against illegal access to personal information and the risk of loss, destruction, falsification or leak of personal information.
Consignment of Personal Information
6. When consigning the handling of personal information to third parties under business-related circumstances, contracts or other necessary measures shall be adopted to require that the said consignees maintain the same standards of personal information protection as practiced by the Corporation.
Disclosure of Personal Information Holdings
7. When you request the disclosure of the personal data the Corporation holds, make contact through the 'Contact Us' page on personal information, and the Corporation will respond as soon as reasonably possible to explain the procedure.
8. Complaints and consultations pertaining to personal information held by the Corporation shall be received through methods stipulated by the Corporation.
Legal Compliance
9. The Corporation will comply with the law concerning individual information protection and conduct, maintain, review continually and improve our compliance program based on this policy.

Takanori Okumura
President and Representative Director
Okumura Corporation